Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Meme

I stole this from the awesome, amazing, astounding and any other glowing word starting with "a" Jennifer Pickrell

A is for age:  27.  But I'm not talking about it right now.
B is for breakfast today: This is going to make me sound nuts, but I'm a night owl and I sleep late, so I don't eat breakfast food that much.  So mainly, I eat chicken nuggets for breakfast.  I know...
C is for currently craving: I constantly crave, and fight off the craving, for Taco Bell.  Also chocolate.  And hummus.  *shakes fist at healthy eating*
D is for dinner tonight: Sesame Chicken in the crockpot.
E is for favorite type of exercise:  Zumba or really, really tough circuit training.  My motto is:  If you don't feel like you might be sick, you're not working hard enough.
F is for an irrational fear: Snakes and failure, although both seem perfectly rational to me.
G is for gross food: Peppers.  I hate the taste and smell of them.  And I have the superhuman ability to taste even the smallest amount in any food.
H is for hometown: Seaford, Delaware.  It's ghetto but it was home for twenty years.
I is for something important:  Books.  And my family! Duh, family.
J is for current favorite jam: This isn't my style at all, but I am SO into Taylor Swift's song "Eyes Open" right now.
K is for kids:  Someday.
L is for current location: Living room.
M is for the most recent way you spent money: Frozen yogurt!
N is for something you need: To relax.
O is for occupation: Mainly, I'm a student but I freelance to make extra cash.
P is for pet peeve: God, I have so many.  Slow drivers, small-minded people, people who don't shut cupboard doors, anything that's crooked... seriously, I could go on but I'm working on being positive these days.
Q is for a quote: "Don't ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."  -Howard Thurman
R is for random fact about you: I have the same middle name as my mom and my grandmothers on each of my parent's sides. 
S is for favorite healthy snack: I'm really into plums, although the season is over.  You should have seen my face in the grocery store staring at the empty plum section.  So I'm moving on to red pears.  And Power Crunch bars!  So good.
T is for favorite treat:  When I'm not eating healthy?  Late Night Snack, which is Ben & Jerry's flavor for Jimmy Fallon.  It's vanilla ice cream, salty caramel and chocolate covered potato chip clusters.  Sounds nuts, but it's amazing.  What I'm eating healthy?  Frozen yogurt.
U is for something that makes you unique: I don't have wisdom teeth or roots for them.  Yaaay evolution!
V is for favorite vegetable: Onions!  I can't eat them raw, but I could cook them and eat a whole bowl of onions.  That sounds gross now that I've typed it out, but YUM.
W is for today’s workout: I worked out my patience on the phone with my school all day.  Tomorrow will be circuit training though!
X is for X-rays you’ve had: I think just my teeth.
Y is for yesterday’s highlight:  I took the most ridiculous nap yesterday.  Slept like the dead.
Z is for your time zone: Eastern

Okay, that's it. Feel free to steal this and pass it on.  Or just read it and tell me how weird I am.  I can take it.


1 comment:

  1. Okay, now I need that sesame chicken crockpot recipe, that sounds good! And I need some of that ice cream - I don't even like ice cream that much, but I'd totally pick out the stuff in it.
